Our Services

Whether you are an end user or a trades person ensuring your system has been supplied by Aero NZ will take the risk out of your installation. We have the technical backup and spare parts for all our products. If your gate needs attention please fill out the form and we will connect you with an installer in your location.

Automatic Gate Installation Throughout NZ

What makes a good Installation? It starts with a good team. When you insist on buying a Centurion Gate Motor with your gate installation you know it's backed with support for the long term.

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Automatic Gate Servicing Throughout NZ

Gate motors of all brands like anything need some TLC from time to time in the form of servicing by a dealer in addition to general maintenance by the property owner to keep the area around the gate motor

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Automatic Gate Repairs Throughout NZ

Had an Accident? Opps or something worn out or making a strange new noise gate motors of all brands like anything need some TLC from time to time in the form of servicing by a dealer with the tools and knowledge to get things moving freely again

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