
ANPR Gate Integration Solution

Holiday Parks can be busy places and ensuring that only guest vehicles are allowed onsite is important in peak seasons.

Aero NZ has developed both Numberplate recognition (refereed to as LPR and ANPR) along with PIN code access control integrations specific to the holiday park industry.
Our Integration simply copies PIN or numberplate information entered into your chosen booking system and programs our Camera or PIN system with guest check-in and check-out times so you don't need to work in 2 systems.
When check-out expires the gate system will not allow re-entry.

We also provide a cloud based dashboard to review snapshots of which numberplate accessed the property at what time and allow search of the history of activity.

We Currently work with the PMS Property management systems:
- Seekom
- Newbook
- and for those on RMS we will integrate when the first client confirms they are ready.

This technology has also been employed by some businesses and local councils to ensure only their vehicle can access facilities and the yards which house their fleet of vehicles.

Please see the brochure download and call us to discuss your parks needs and layouts.

Pro Tips: For Best results gates should be located such that a checked in guests can just drive in while new arrivals have a pull over parking area while they visit your team in reception.
A Speed bump on entry is a great reference point for where the camera will read incoming vehicles.

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